Push notification management improved

Hello, Touchclass here!

We hope you are all staying safe and healthy.

We’ve improved push notification management.

We provide read-notification confirmation feature, so let administrators know whether their members have read it or not.

For learners(members), unread notifications are distinguished from the read ones.


| [ADMIN] List of push notifications

  • You can see your sending history in your admin page. History will be automatically deleted after 30 days.
    ① You can search by name or e-mail.
    ② Depending on whether or not read a notification, status will be shown as Read or Unread
    – Search by members who read or unread a message.
    ※ After sending a push notification, go to List of push notifications > Manage > Sending history


| [Learner] Notifications

  • Notifications which was read by learners will be shown in white. On the other hand, if a learner unread message, it will indicate in blue.
  • Notifications are archived for 30 days.